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Raffia Basket

Raffia basket

One day, 10am – 2pm

Learn to make a fantastic small basket, bowl or tray using a traditional coiling technique. Coiling is one of the oldest forms of basketry and has been used for thousands of years across almost every continent. In this workshop we share an inspiring range of design possibilities with a simple coiling stitch, and you’ll leave with a fantastic finished small piece to take home or give away as a gorgeous handmade gift.

What you’ll learn:

  • How to work with raffia

  • The tools you’ll need

  • How to start your basket

  • A strong, versatile coiling stitch

  • Shaping your basket

  • Finishing off your piece

This fun-filled workshop is great for beginners and intermediate weavers. We use raffia because it’s strong and pliable, and perfect to learn with. And if you want to spring-board into weaving with foraged fibres, learning with raffia is a terrific way to start.

All materials for the day are provided, and being a small class you’ll get personal tuition.

Our focus is on exploration and self-expression, so you can check any perfectionism at the door! It’s a relaxing, welcoming space for anyone who wants to give weaving a go or extend on what they already know. 

Come along, let your expectations go and see what wonders you create!

BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL as there are limited spaces available.

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laura jordan laura jordan

Natural Fibre Coiled Basket

natural fibre coiled basket

One day, 10am – 4pm

Weaving with natural fibres foraged from the local environment is one of the most rewarding ways to slow down and connect with nature and ourselves. Working in this way, we tap into the ancient practices of our ancestors who would have made functional and ceremonial vessels from the plants they identified around them.

In this workshop you’ll learn about the types of fibres you can harvest and use for weaving, and put it into practice by making a beautiful small basket, bowl or tray using a traditional coiling technique. You’ll be amazed by the gorgeous variations in colour and texture you can create using the selection of fibres that have been specially prepared for you.

What you'll learn:

  • How to identify suitable plant fibres

  • How to work with natural fibres

  • The tools you’ll need

  • How to start your basket

  • A strong, versatile coiling stitch

  • Shaping your basket

  • Finishing off your piece

This workshop is perfect for beginners and intermediate weavers. It’s also a great next step after the raffia one-day coiling workshop, so you can extend your skills into using natural fibres.

All materials for the day are provided, including an incredible array of beautiful natural fibres that have been harvested, foraged and prepared for you. Being a small class you’ll get personal tuition.

Our class is all about exploration and self-expression, so there’s no need to worry if you doubt your creative abilities! We’ll step you through the process from start to finish, and you’ll be thrilled with what you can create.

Come along and find your rhythm with natural fibres! It’s a whole new way to connect to yourself and the earth.

COVID safe practices in place. 

BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL as there are limited spaces available.

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laura jordan laura jordan

Miniature Natural Fibre Twined Basket

miniature natural fibre twined basket

One day, 10am – 3pm

Some of the most beautiful baskets can be made with the abundance of natural fibres that are all around us. They’re perfect for twining, that ancient art used all over the world to create everything from strong and durable carriers to fine and intricate patterned weaves. 

In this workshop you’ll learn the basics and make a gorgeous miniature twined basket that you can finish in one day. It’s the perfect start to your natural-fibre basket making journey.

What you'll learn:

  • How to identify suitable plant fibres

  • How to work with natural fibres

  • The tools you’ll need

  • How to start your basket

  • Two-strand twining stitch

  • Shaping your basket

  • Finishing off your gorgeous tiny piece

This workshop is great for beginners and intermediate weavers. If you’ve done the natural fibre coiling workshop, it’ll introduce you to a whole new basketry technique. And if you’ve twined before, you can extend your skills into new shapes and patterns.

All materials for the day are provided, including a beautiful selection of natural fibres that have been harvested, foraged and prepared for you. Being a small class there’ll be time for personal tuition.

Our focus is on exploration and self-expression, not perfection! It’s a relaxing, welcoming space for anyone who wants to give weaving a go or extend on what they already know. 

Come and join us for a great day of fun and creativity, and leave with a stunning woven treasure of your own! 

BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL as there are limited spaces available.

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laura jordan laura jordan

Natural Fibre Twined Basket

natural fibre twined basket

Two days, 10am – 3pm

Learn to weave your own basket from scratch!

In this comprehensive two-day course enjoy the satisfaction of learning the whole process of twined basketry from beginning to end. This includes identifying suitable plants in your local environment, through to harvesting and processing foraged fibres, right through to making a beautiful basket that’s yours to keep. 

We start by identifying a range of native plants that are great for weaving, and hands-on experience of how to prepare them for dyeing and curing. Then you’ll create a beautiful small basket or vessel of your own design.

What you'll learn:

  • How to identify suitable plants ‘in the wild’ for weaving

  • How to harvest, process and prepare a range of native fibres

  • How to work with natural fibres

  • The tools you’ll need

  • How to start your basket

  • Two-strand twining stitch

  • Shaping your basket

  • Finishing off a beautiful woven vessel of your own design

This course is perfect for beginners and those with some experience (like the one-day twining course) who want to deep dive into extending their skills and learn how to create a gorgeous basket from scratch.

All materials for the course are provided, including a stunning array of natural fibres that have been foraged and prepared for you in advance. Being a small class you’ll get personal tuition, and plenty of opportunities for asking questions and trouble-shooting over the two days.

Come and join us for this great foundation to your basket-making journey!  

BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL as there are limited spaces available.

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laura jordan laura jordan

Coiling Patterns With Natural Fibre

coiling patterns with natural fibre

Two Days, 10am – 3pm

One of the joys of basketry is that there’s no end to the variations in pattern, form and expression you can create. Once you’ve grasped the basics of technique and materials, you’re ready for a lifelong journey of experimentation and self-expression.

In this intermediate course you’ll be introduced to a range of different coiling shapes and patterns that you can combine endlessly into your own creations. You’ll leave with a completed unique basket of your own design, or several different patterned starts that you can complete at home.

What you'll learn:

  • Two different starts for coiling with natural fibres

  • A range of coiling stitches to create an infinite variety of patterns

  • More advanced shaping techniques

  • Finishing touches including handles or hooks

This course is designed for those with some experience, like the one-day raffia or natural fibre coiled basketry workshops. It’s a terrific way to build on your skills in a fun, collaborative environment that’ll get your creative groove flowing!

 All materials for the weekend are provided, and being a small class you’ll get plenty of time to experiment with patterns, ask questions and trouble-shoot any problems.

This is a great opportunity to take your weaving to the next level. Come along and be amazed at what you can create! 

BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL as there are limited spaces available.

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Twining Patterns With Natural Fibre

twining patterns with natural fibre

Two Days, 10am – 3pm

Immerse yourself in the endless joy of twining patterns, one of my favourite basketry techniques.  With a few new stitches you can transform your baskets into fabulously unique and varied works of art, and be ready for a lifelong journey of experimentation and self-expression.

In this intermediate course you’ll be introduced to a range of different twining shapes and patterns that will add fun, colour and experimentation to your unique creations. You’ll leave with a completed basket of your own design, or several different patterned starts that you can complete at home.

What you'll learn:

  • Two different starts for twining with natural fibres

  • A range of twining stitches to create an endless variety of patterns

  • More advanced shaping techniques

  • Two finishes including handles or hooks

This course is perfect for those with some experience, like the one- or two-day natural fibre twined basketry workshops. It’s a great way to extend your skills and start to realise your weaving potential!  

All materials for the weekend are provided, and being a small class you’ll have plenty of time to ask questions, experiment and trouble-shoot any problems. 

Come along and take your twining to the next level! But beware, you’ll never want to stop!

BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL as there are limited spaces available. 

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laura jordan laura jordan

Natural Dyeing for Plant Fibre

natural dyeing for plant fibre

Two Days, 10am – 4pm

Do you know how many beautiful colours are calling out to you from your garden, bush track or compost heaps? Natural dyeing with plant materials is an ancient art that has produced a gorgeous array of colours for thousands of years, and many of them are easily accessible at your fingertips. 

This hands-on workshop will introduce you to a range of colour possibilities from kitchen waste and native and introduced plants, tailored specifically to dyeing foraged basketry fibres. You’ll leave with all the skills you need to make beautifully-coloured fibres ready for your next weaving project.

What you’ll learn:

  • How to find and prepare a range of easily accessible plant dyes

  • The tools you’ll need

  • The use of mordants for colour-fastness

  • How to dye safely at home

This course is suitable for beginners and those with some experience. If you’ve dyed fabrics before, you’ll learn the similarities and differences with dyeing plant fibres. And if you’ve never used plant dyes, the whole world of natural dyeing will be opened up to you!

All materials for the weekend are provided. If you’ve done the two-day twined basketry course or are familiar with harvesting weaving fibres, you’re also welcome to bring along your processed fibres ready to go in our dye pots for a range of gorgeous colours.

Come along and discover the incredible colour palette of natural dyes that’ll take your weaving into a new dimension!

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Kid’s Coiled Basket

kid’s coiled basket

2 - 3 hour workshop

Just like adults, kids love to weave! And once they get started, there’s no stopping the mind-blowing baskets they create.

In this workshop kids aged 8 – 12 will learn a simple coiling technique using raffia and fabric scraps, that’ll set them up for a life-time of weaving. Best of all, after a fun-filled morning they’ll leave with a gorgeous small basket of their own creation!

What you’ll learn:

  • How to work with raffia and fabric scraps

  • The tools you’ll need

  • A strong, versatile coiling stitch

  • Shaping your basket

  • Finishing off your piece

This workshop is perfect for beginners and those with some experience. It’s also a great first step before moving on to the raffia one-day coiling workshop.

All materials are provided, and being a small group there’ll be time for one-on-one tuition including asking questions and troubleshooting problems. 

Come along, feed your creative impulses and have great fun along the way!  

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